Prochem A217 Ultrapac Renovate 5L
- Versatile cleaner and prespray of carbon, dry soot & fire residues
- Concentrated formula for walls, floors, hard and fabric surfaces
- Highly effective for the removal of draught marks from carpets
Prochem A217 Ultrapac Renovate is a highly concentrated and versatile cleaner ideal for professional disaster restoration cleaning such as smoke and fire damage to carpets, curtains, upholserty fabrics and hard surfaces. A unique solvent free formula designed to penetrate and lift carbon, soot, smoke, grease,rubber and deeply ingrained soils and works excellently for fire restoration and safety flooring. Its cationic solvent free formula 'pulls out' soils by neutralising electrical charge, deodourises on application and imparts a pleasant floral fragrance. Carpets treated with Ultrapac renovate chould be rinsed with B109 Fibre & Fabric Rinse using an extraction carpet cleaning machine. Always pre-test surface in an inconspicuous area before proceeding.
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